Social media pricing

Social media is weird, isn’t it?

Some people hate it and others love it. Some seem a bit ‘too’ into it (unfollow).

Used badly, it can ruin reputations and livelihoods. But used well, it can create superstars.

One thing most people agree on these days, is it can’t be ignored. Especially if you’re running a business.

Now obviously, that’s up to you. Ignore it if you want. Or do the bare minimum. You’re your own business with your own mind.

But if you choose to do it, you can get in front of like minded customers. And stay there.

Your company develops a voice and people get to know that voice. Over time, they become interested in what you might say next.

Can you see how this is a far cry from spam filters and hassled people asking to be removed from mailing lists?

Now is a good time to mention, what we’re doing and saying here isn’t new. You won’t find many recruitment businesses not on social, especially LinkedIn.

The truth is, anyone can run a social media account. These days, babies are practically born with an iPad in hand. It’s a brave new world.

But knowing the functions (how to post, react, reply, etc.) is one thing. Running the account in a way that will effectively sell your business is something quite different.

Seems obvious, right? Knowing how to kick a football is different from playing in the premier league.

Who are HWT, anyway?

Hire Write Talent is run by two people on LinkedIn: Sarah Potter and Kiera Tsenti.

Though we're good friends in real life, when we’re speaking through our personal accounts, we’re different people with different styles. But we have something very important in common.

We’re unwilling to be anyone other than “ourselves”.

Why does this matter?

  1. We’re consistent. People get to know who we are, because we’re not trying to be anyone else.
  2. We’re bold. Sometimes we push the boundaries of what’s considered 'professional'. For some, this acts as a filter. That’s not why they’re here, and that’s fair enough (unfollow). But others think that’s refreshing, and that’s who we’re here for. We’re not trying to please everyone because we know that’s impossible.
  3. We’re funny. Or at least we think we are. We make ourselves laugh and if someone else laughs too, that’s a bonus. We have a rule that when it stops being fun, we change it up.

By combining those traits with our unique voices, styles and talents, we realised could create something special. Something people looked forward to seeing on their feed.

We’re happy our page sparks joy for some. But more importantly, it drives leads and engagement to our business.

Over the past few years, including through COVID, we built up a client list in double figures without spending any money or doing any outbound BD. The introverts (that’s both of us) rejoiced.

And that’s not even the best bit. That happens when we get to deliver this for someone else.

When our clients give us the freedom to be bold and creative with their LinkedIn page, we see similar results for them. Follower counts rising significantly, direct positive feedback from potential candidates and clients, and credibility from onlookers who see a business with “a bit of something about them”.

We like to think we know LinkedIn quite well. But it still manages to surprise us sometimes.

How can we make LinkedIn start working for you?

Fully managed LinkedIn (with strategy) - £1000pm

  • We make original text based content and spread it out across the week in your agreed style and tone.
  • We'll respond to comments and messages in a consistent, authentic voice.
  • You'll get our ongoing advice, support, and unqualified counselling.
  • You'll get limited (30 minutes per week) general copyediting support. If you think you'll need more, or want to combine social with job ads then ask about our Copywriting Consultancy service.

Why is this right for you?

You're a visionary who sees potential in a strategy that won't deliver immediate ROI. No one should expect quick wins in social.

A consistent approach to social media will be rewarded with engagement, and that means your business will attract genuine interest from like-minded people.

Meaningful relationships take time to build. But they make it up in lifetime value. And when you build stronger relationships, your job gets nicer too.

Want your social stuff to sell who you are?